General Phrases
1. Stay
out of trouble – don’t get those things that would lead to problems
Sentence – There are so
many people out there in
this world who are ready to get in a hot conversation
with you anytime, but you have to stay out of all these troubles.
2. Get
real – be realistic or behave real
Sentence – Now it’s time
to get real in the game.
3. Let’s
get down to business – let’s do our work
Sentence - We have spent a lot of our time in partying and now is the time to let’s get down to business.
4. Who
cares? – When no one cares about anything.
Sentence – Who cares
about your feelings in this selfish world? this is the reality and you can’t
ignore it.
5. I’d(I
would) be happy to help – (polite) to offer help
Sentence – I’d be happy
to help you if you allow me.
6. Push
back the appointment – to postpone the appointment
Sentence – Please can you
push back my appointment because it would take some time to get me to reach there?
7. Loosen
up – to relax
Sentence – After working
16 hrs a day on my startup,
in bed at night is the time for me to loosen up.
8. Hand
tight – hold on/wait
Sentence – You got to
hand tight on this startup after
investing money in this and let it grow.
9. Hurry
up! – be quick /do faster
Sentence – Hurry up!
Otherwise, we’ll miss our flight.
10. It’s out of my hand – not in control
Sentence – Now it’s out
of my hand to get you in this
company again.
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Nice list, most of them you can understand just by your intuition. Those that are difficult or sort of uncommon are "Push back the appointment" and "hand tight".
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